Let me start by answering the question that anyone and everyone who noticed I was gone for ten days have asked. The trip to ANWR was amazing, and I had a blast. This is where most people lose interest and go on about their business, having duly noted my return.
But if I let them, and let you do just that, then CSCUI wasted a great deal of money flying my compatriots and me up there, and I will have wasted my time, and worse still, I would disappoint Dr. Frisch and Dr. Denton, who did not even once attempt to feed me to the bears. So, lend me an ear as I briefly recount my adventures in the far north as part of the first (and hopefully not the last) CSUCI Arctic Expedition.
When I heard about the trip during the first meeting of my science and public policy class, I was overcome with excitement. I think I was the first person who turned in an application, which I had hastily written (and revised several times) the very night it became available. Drilling in ANWR is a focal point for the economics vs. environment debate that has been ruminated on for the past twenty years. The issue is certainly much larger than a chunk of undeveloped land in
For me, prep for the trip really got started back in February. I didn’t know if I had been selected, but I just had a feeling, and I acted on it. There was gear to purchase and arrangements to make at work and with family, but more importantly, when the word did come through that I had been chosen to go, I was in no state to go traipsing around the
Fast forward to early May. It’s the end of school, and as per usual, finals week found me attempting to pack half a semester’s worth of work into a the space of a few harried days and sleepless nights. Throw in a full work week and final logistical preparations for the trip, and you begin to understand why the only way I could get through it all was by riding the crest of a wave composed of caffeine, alcohol, and nicotine. Several months of work was very nearly undone by the excesses of that week. Thankfully, school ended before I could complete my self destruction, and I got back on the trolley. After our group met at JJ Brewski’s two weeks before departure, I got sick, and subsequently recovered, probably because I consciously overdosed myself on vitamin C to the point that my bloodstream was acidic enough to etch steel. Every night, I laid out my gear, and packed part of it, in anticipation of June the Fourth. I couldn’t wait.
As I left work late on June 3rd, I knew, even as I slammed the door and saluted the building with one finger, that I was not going to get any sleep before my call time in the wee hours of the morning. Sure, I was packed, and sure, I could use the sleep, but the pre-trip jitters weren’t going away. I went home, checked and re-checked my gear. Downed a beer, and I smoked what was, to this day, my last whole cigar (I had moment of weakness on the Fourth of July). My parents had agreed to, check that, demanded that they drop me off at CSUCI, which was very kind of them. It let my roommates off the hook for 0300 drop off time. We were the first to get to campus. A few minutes later, Tim pulled up, and informed me that
Changing planes at Sea/Tac was fairly routine. At this particular airport, outlying terminals are connected by a nifty little subway system. I was unprepared for the acceleration the first time our train left the station, and almost faceplanted before a timely drop-step allowed me to regain my balance. I was almost sure I saw some eastern seaboard smugness and amusement flit over the faces of Amy and Scott. We were airborne again in under an hour. The flight took us out over
When we landed at
It was just as well, because even with my eyes open, I had maybe five seconds of warning before we landed in Deadhorse. For reasons still unknown to me, I had not experienced the tell-tale cochlear pressure changes, and there is no fence and no outlying airport type facilities at Deadhorse. I noticed painted asphalt whizzing by my window at impossible speeds and then felt the familiar jolt of main bogeys hitting runway. We disembarked, and I was immediately relieved by the chill and crispness of the Arctic air. I breathed deeply, filling my lungs. We had arrived.
The terminal was, to put it politely, quaint. It smelled like the inside of a full ashtray, and its occupants seemed a little weary of bunch of college kids who clearly weren’t from around there. There was no ride to the hotel, so we all walked the half klick from the airport to the Arctic Caribou Inn, our accommodations for the night. This was my first taste of the roads in Deadhorse/Prudhoe Bay. Just like everything else in that place, the roads are purely functional, with a minimum of effort expended on their construction and maintenance. Apparently, as long as filthy F-350s keep rumbling along the loose gravel ribbons, BP doesn’t care. I eventually came to the conclusion that the gray muck that filled in between chunks of road gravel was the substance behind the overall gray hue of everything in Deadhorse. It was the pallor I associate with the face of an exhumed body; the definitive shade of lifelessness, despair, and desolation. That about describes that Deadhorse/Prudhoe Bay. I found it fascinating, if only because I have rarely witnessed such an appalling scene. If there is an end of the world, a great precipice where the sea cascades into the vacuum, and ships sail into oblivion, it is located in
The Arctic Caribou Inn turned out to be a collection of shipping containers stacked end to end, with exposed wiring. However, it had a room with a bed that could I drape my exhausted frame across, and a shower stall that boasted two water temperatures: iceberg meltwater and condensed brimstone steam. After we stowed our gear in our rooms, the group set off on foot for the general store, which turned out to be a few miles down the road. It seemed like fifty. Every step had the gravel and road muck slurping at my feet. The cold and wind made my nose run, and the sheer flatness of the landscape was overwhelming. As we walked, the number of Ford and GM trucks that rumbled by led me to wonder how our domestic car manufacturers ever got in trouble. Enormous and enigmatic pieces of mobile construction and drilling equipment lined the road, most of it rusting into the ground in the salt air. I was convinced that Amy had gotten us lost when we spotted the enormous blue building that housed the general store and post office. The general store was a colorful place, with off-color memorabilia, an extensive pornography collection, and Carhart merchandise galore. I bought a few post cards and mailed them; cruised the hardware store while everyone else attended to business. They actually had a nicer selection of screwdrivers than Home Depot. It was sometime around this point that I realized that the locals looked at me differently than the rest of my group. I fit in. I struck up a conversation with a guy about my age. He was surprised to learn that I was a tourist from
“You’re clean-shaved,” he said, “you just get back, pardner?”
“No,” I admitted, “just passing through.”
“Just passing through? Where you from?” he said, quizzically.
“Oh, I see. What are y’all studying?”
“The effects of climate change on the
“’Bout drillin’ in ANWR an’ all that?”
“Actually, that’s exactly where we are going.”
“That’s cool. Yeah, I can’t say I’m for drillin’ out there. Last thing we need is more competition. Plus, we got all kinds of natural gas to get up here, if we could get a deal with Palin going to put in pipeline.”
I was flabbergasted. It was so candid, and so unexpected. I need several seconds to recover. By the time my brain was re-engaged, he had completed his business, wished me safe travels and left with a nod.
We took a shortcut across a parcel of land clearly marked “NO TRESPASSING” on the way back to the
Seven hours later, I was awakened by my cell phone playing the theme from Starship Troopers as an alarm tone. I am such a nerd. I threw on my clothes, grabbed my parka, donned my hat, shook Steve awake and dashed off to the mess hall to make sure I didn’t miss out on whatever amazing fare the chefs had prepared for us. I was not disappointed. I was, however, disappointed with the news that we would not be going swimming in the Arctic Ocean, due to the fact that the ocean was frozen over. We would also be forgoing the movie part of the
After breakfast, we all piled onto a charter bus that was already half full of septuagenarian oil field adventure seekers. The drive out to the security checkpoint was deceptively quick. The driver regaled us with tales of bear encounters. I couldn’t tear my eyes from the endless expanse of dead grassland. As the sky and ground touched at the distant horizon, their color gradients became so difficult to distinguish that you could not pinpoint where the line between earth and heavens actually was. We drove past pump houses, manifolds, a gas disposal flare, and miles upon miles of four foot wide pipes. We saw the “camps,” huge, semi-mobile accommodations for the workers that seemed to be composed of blue paint and yet more rust. We drove out to a spit of land that extended like a finger into the
We didn’t have much time to spare when we got back to the Arctic Caribou Inn, as we had less than hour until check in time back at the airport for our flight to Kaktovik. We stole what food was left at the buffet, packed up, and moved out as one. I have always been able to appreciate the intrinsic beauty of desolation, and maybe I would have been able to do so in Deadhorse, had it not been pockmarked with human constructs and edifices that were so very clearly there for the express purpose of raping petrochemicals from the bowels of the earth, and nothing else. Even though I was leaving the reindeer stew behind, I was looking forward to seeing what
The Frontier Air terminal at the
We arrived at the Waldo Arms, which is the best hotel in Kaktovik, albeit by default. The building next door was a garage with a faded sign on top that read “Barter Island Social Club.” The outdoor décor consisted of some propellers (which I later discovered were whale vertebrae) a snowmobile sitting atop a mound of dirt, skulls of various animals, and a decrepit barbeque. I was, as usual, hungry, and so I bought a $12 cheeseburger from the lady behind the counter, who was the cook, hostess, and receptionist. I saw this as an opportunity to get some more “local flavor” and thoughts about the purpose of our trip. Much to my chagrin, this lady was not nearly as forthcoming as the guy in the Deadhorse General Store. She was better at dodging questions and taking the path of least resistance than Donald Rumsfeld. The only thing I can say with any certainty is that I don’t have a clue what she actually thought about drilling in ANWR. However, I noticed that many of her long term residents at the hotel were scientists doing field research, so I have to imagine that, from a business standpoint, she would have to be in favor of preserving the pristine land that kept the scientists coming back. Then again, maybe that’s wishful thinking. I guess we’ll never know. She did make a mean cheeseburger, though.
I spent about half an hour surveying the town from the top of a dirt and snow mound outside the hotel’s bunkhouse. The pervasive color was gray, although it was a slightly different shade from Deadhorse. The dwellings were ramshackle, but looked cozy and somehow inviting. Some had fresh coats of paint on the eves. There was a church. I felt more comfortable than in Deadhorse. People braved perpetual darkness and -100 degree temperatures in the winter to live here. This place had soul.
Our next move was back to the airstrip, where we waited for the first Heliocourier to arrive and collect our first group of three to fly into ANWR. We didn’t have to wait long. The helio arrived, and much to my surprise, it was not a helicopter, as the name originally suggested to me. As it turns out, a heliocourier is a small plane that was developed by the military during the Cold War for short take offs and landings from unprepared strips in support of covert operations. While it is no longer the Cold War, and this wasn’t a covert operation, I would soon understand the value of such an aircraft in ANWR. Amy, Steve, and Tim crammed into the little plane, and they took off in a span that seemed no longer than thirty feet. I was speechless. I wanted it to be my turn. I had about two hours to wait.
Happily, those would not be lost hours. While we waited for the plane to return from dropping off our first contingent, we walked to the Whale boneyard at the end of the runway. I got to lead the way across the sea ice. After all, where I can safely tread, so can everyone else. Apparently, the natives in Kaktovik are allowed to take three bowhead whales a year for sustenance. A little background on the bowhead whale: these things can grow up to sixty feet long and weight 130 tons or more, and are the most long lived animals on the planet. In 2007, one was killed in
After trekking back across the ice and back down the gravel runway that led back to what passed for a “terminal” through bitterly cold wind that made my nose run like a spigot, we ran into the man we were supposed to meet in town; Robert Thompson, who I remembered from the movie “Oil on Ice,” which I watched as a part of a primer for the trip, and incidentally, I would recommend to anyone who wants to get the flavor of the ANWR debate in film form. We spoke for with him for a few minutes before he departed with the photographer he was taking into the Refuge. By that time, the helio had come back for its second load. As much I as I wanted to stay and see the cliff erosion, which would have made for interesting conversation with my soil scientist father, I decided to hop on the second flight.
I sat up front, next to the pilot, because there was no other place where I would fit. Even so, I noticed that my knees ended up touching knobs marked “LEAN/RICH” and “THROTTLE.” Now, I have no idea how to fly a plane, but I do fix small engines for a living, and those knobs both sounded like things that, manipulated incorrectly, would drop that little plane out of the sky like a stone. As with most days, I had woken up that day with a strong desire to see the sunset, so I sat very, very still for the duration of the flight. In the backseat were Lisa and Ryane, who seemed much more comfortable despite the lack of legroom. At any rate, we rotated around to the flight line, the buzzing of the nine-foot wide propeller became a roar, and a skip and a jump later, we were airborne and skyrocketing toward space and a rate that nearly brought up the subject of that cheeseburger, if you get my meaning.
After we leveled out, we were treated to an hour long flight that took us back over the beautiful coastal plain, and then further inland, over endless tundra and the occasional group of hills. Everything was ducky until I realized that our pilot intended to land his bird on a strip of gravel that looked about as wide as my driveway. I sat up as straight as I could without pushing my head through the top of the fuselage, swallowed deeply, and actually said a prayer. Closer it came, closer and closer, but instead of growing larger with decreasing distance, the runway stayed very small. And then the landing gear hit, we bounced, and our pilot’s hands were suddenly a blur as he managed to stop the plane before we ran out of runway. It was as exciting an experience as I have had without loosing any blood. We piled out of the aircraft, unloading our things, and then, I looked around. I was in ANWR, the last great untouched ecosystem in
After I had regained my composure, I set about collecting the tent I would share with Aaron for the next few days. At this point, I made a mistake in choosing the real-estate that I laid the tent out on. What was, to my unfocused eye, a relatively flat piece of ground would turn out to be a gently sloped mound that came to a peak right under where my lower back would be as I slept. I doomed myself to a week of futilely pounding at ground before I sacked out; ground that would, by morning, have magically returned to its original configuration. I also found driving tent stakes into virgin tundra somewhat frustrating, but luckily Lisa was right there to help me out. Over the course of the trip, she became something of a den mother to all of us. Non-toxic bugspray? She had it. Need help with dishes? She was on it. Headache? Need an ibuprofen? Lisa’s Pharmacy was open 24-7 and would make deliveries into ANWR free of charge. Thanks to her help and some huge rocks we found and hauled back to ensure that the stakes would not pull out, I had the tent ready for move-in by the time Aaron and Scott arrived on the third and final plane load.
It was at this point I met Barb, our eccentric and entertaining guide. Dressed in green leggings and a high visibility jacket that contrasted sharply with her shock of white hair, she was easy to spot in our “kitchen,” which was composed of sever al buckets, bear-proof canisters and a cook stove. Thinking it prudent to get on her good side, I went over to introduce myself and see what I could do to help. It turned out that I could help by filtering the stream water that Steve and Tim had retrieved from a meltwater-fed tributary to the Kongakut. This task was accomplished at that point, as it would be for the rest of the week, by using small, cylindrical, hand-pumped ceramic filters that produced an infuriatingly small amount of water with every cycle of the piston. Let me tell you this: as with anything you really have to work for, every drop of the painstakingly filtered water tasted like pure ambrosia to me. It was this point, after getting a small workout obtaining water for myself that I decided that it was uncomfortably warm. I changed into shorts and sandals to start a trend that, as a result of warm temperatures and high spirits, would find me shirtless and in shorts, above the
It is odd that I should use the word night, because the sun had not set on us, and would not for the duration of our time in
Fast forward a few hours. It’s dawn now, or noon. Take your pick. My bladder is the world’s most efficient and reliable alarm clock, and this time was no different. I rolled out of the tent, and into my sandals. I rubbed my eyes with my thumbs as I stumbled across the uneven ground until I had ventured far enough away from camp that I was sure no one would be awakened by the pleasant sound of Mack doing his business. I made it quick. The wind had a chill to it, and I hadn’t bothered with pants in my haste. Relieved and back at the tent, I threw on some jeans and my boots and cruised over to the kitchen. Scott and Amy were already up. I don’t think they had slept. Scott was scanning the hills for wildlife, and in no time, he had picked out a small group of caribou making their way across the landscape. We all had a look through Barb’s spotting scope, and I zeroed in on them with my personal binoculars. Scott would prove immensely useful during the course of the trip, as he is equipped with bionic eyes that must be able to see into the infared spectrum, characteristics that allowed him to pinpoint all sorts of interesting things at great distances. Besides regularly picking out caribou, Scott also pointed out the first bear we saw on the trip. Thankfully, the bear was far enough away that he was visible but posed no danger to us. I did not even reach for the bear repellent I had slung from my day pack’s D-ring like a hand grenade, ready to use at the slightest hint of ursine aggression. In due time, the others arrived, and breakfast was served. I kludged a refrigerator together out of a food container and a chunk of river ice. It was decided that we would take a hike to a massive dome-shaped land feature a few miles away from camp. We packed food, and I volunteered to carry water filtration gear, the spotting scope, and the first-aid kit. So started a series of he-man style gestures that, in retrospect were driven by my poorly suppressed hyper-competitiveness. I also felt in necessary to stay at the head of the pack during the hike. I had to make a good showing for the political science department, goddamnit! Sadly, I lacked the level of physical fitness to keep up with Steve, who seemed to levitate across the tundra. I suppose I should stop here and give you an idea of the terrain we were faced with. Once you got a fair piece away from our riverside camp, the ground turned into swampy, lumpy grassland that, in some places, concealed calf-high pockets of snow melt. Apparently, these mounds of bunchgrass are called “tussocks.” Formed by decades of grass growing out of itself every season, they had the appearance of miniature truffula trees. They are a very energy intensive terrain to traverse at best, treacherous and dangerous footing at worst. Tussocks would have my out of shape butt dragging in a matter of hours.
Over hill, and over dale went, snapping pictures of flora, fauna, and in Amy’s case, feces as we trudged toward the dome. After we stopped to eat, I discovered that I was out of energy, but was determined to go on. That determination faltered when I got to the base of the dome, and looked up to see a landscape of false ridges, loose shale and inclines so steep I swallowed hard before I took another step. About half way up, I met Scot, Amy and Barb on their way down, having turned back before the summit. They said it was getting foggy, and that they were heading back to camp. Glad to turn around, and be done with the trek I had been roundly cursing for the last half hour, I fell in with them. We stopped at the ridge that overlooked the airstrip, camp, and the river. I used what was very nearly the last of my reserves to clamber atop a rock outcropping that offered a panoramic view of the scene. I wanted to yell, like William Wallace in Braveheart. I felt so free as the wind whipped around my exhausted body. Maybe it was just the strong breeze, and maybe it was how I felt just then, but I would be remiss if I did not report that a small but tangible volume of salty liquid originating in the vicinity of my eyes did dampen my cheeks before I stealthily wiped it away.
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